El Cim school

Education school reform/expansion
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El Cim school

Expansion 5 classrooms

  • Entrega del proyecto:
  • Final d'obra:
  • Cliente: Departament d'Educació/GISA
  • Metraje: 511m2
  • Dirección: C/Josep Puigoriol, 86-98
  • Ciudad: Teià (El Maresme)
  • Pec (€x1.000): 888


The action involves the younger children’s classrooms expansion of the EL Cim school.  The classroom block is placed in the north of the plot, in contact with the existing school. The volume, single-storey, is located as north as possible in order to get the largest posible playground surface, considering the high slope from the school main level to the back street.